Engine's Performance Management system provides an enterprise performance management solution including goals & objectives, self evaluation and manager reviews. The main features of the system are:
Goals & Objectives
Giving employees a clear understanding of what is expected of them is perhaps the single most important responsibility an organisation has to its employees. Managers and employees can collaboratively set goals and objectives, measuring performance against achievements on an ongoing basis.

Self Appraisal & Performance Review
Employees are empowered to take control of their self appraisal online, removing the tediousness from what is sometimes seen as a tiresome and unproductive form filling exercise. Managers complete and submit an online performance review form for all their employees to their next level manager or directly to HR for approval. Taking efficient collaboration a stage further, the system also allows for a 360° feedback process, where other managers and employees are asked to contribute their opinion to an individual's review.
Blending the performance review with the objective achievements allows organisations to accurately rate and identify their top performers and understand how and where certain skills and competencies need to be developed in order to improve the performance of under achievers.
Linking Performance to Compensation
Managers can award and distribute performance based compensation fairly and equitably throughout their team. All compensation budgets can be set and controlled by finance, while final compensation approval can go to CEO/board level if required. Having the ability to truly deliver performance related pay is a key advantage.
Control, Visibility and Understanding
Senior managers, department heads and HR professionals at all times maintain total visibility of the entire process, monitoring its efficiency. All forms and information are automatically submitted to HR and archived for future use by the system. At each step in the process, people are notified of their upcoming tasks and deadlines by email. A work queue of pending tasks is also available to all users.
Career and Succession Planning
The ability to understand and measure an employee’s performance strengths and weaknesses is one component; however succession planning is another core component of Engine HR Performance Management. An excellent example of this is the ability of the system to highlight positions that may become available and identify key candidates for these roles.
To talk about the benefits of Performance Management, contact our experts at sales@engine.ie