Project Management
A good project management method will guide a project through a controlled, well-managed, visible set of activities to achieve the desired results. Engine Solutions uses the PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) project management method. PRINCE2 adopts the principles of good project management to maximise the chances of a project’s success. These principles are:

- A project is a finite process with a definite start and end.
- Projects always need to be managed in order to be successful.
- For genuine commitment to the project, all parties must be clear about why the project is needed, what it is intended to achieve, how the outcome is to be achieved and what their responsibilities are in the achievement.
PRINCE2 provides a project with:
- A controlled and organised start, middle and end.
- Regular reviews of progress against plans and against the business case.
- Flexible decision points.
- Automatic management control of any deviations from the plan.
- The involvement of management and stakeholders at the right time during the project.
- Good communication channels between the project management team and the rest of the project organisation.
- Agreement on the required quality at the outset and continuous monitoring against those requirements.